December 30, 2023

Self love affirmations could be more meaningful if you felt better about yourself overall, right? If you are asking this, you are probably right. After all self-love is something that most people say they want, yet there are times when it can be seen as a slippery slope. Make sure you arm yourself with tools that will benefit you profoundly so that you can accomplish your goals. 

Additionally, it is essential to know that love is not a material thing, such as money, which can be bought, sold, or given away and cannot be retrieved. Instead, love is an endowment that each human being is born with. As with practicing anything, the more you do it, the better you become. The first time it may seem uncomfortable, awkward, and like a waste of time. Self-love is more than simply feeling good about yourself. It is about nurturing your inner and outer being. Your perspective of life will shift and you will be more happy with your life. If you want to help others achieve their dreams as well, then you need to take care of yourself first. 

Before moving to self love affirmations we need to discuss about common self love traps that we fall in all the time.


Self-love trap #1 – Having idea that you are perfect and know everything!!!

It is impossible for anyone to know everything. It isn’t just me and you, it isn’t even your role models. Take a moment to consider that. If you knew it all, you wouldn’t be very motivated to help others reach their potential, would you? It’s completely unpractical even on the social level too. The more you live, the more you know, so appreciate the journey you are on and do your best.  When you feel bad because you don’t know something, watch for these signs:

Hesitation to ask certain questions because of fear that you will sound stupid not knowing something

Hesitation for not being able to be successful in every step you take

 Social approval of every action you take

These false beliefs are simply making you hold your life back away from your full potential.

You avoid new projects, procrastinating endlessly so as not to run into situations you don’t know how to deal with. By doing this, you rob others … friends, family, and co-workers … of the chance to show off your own best qualities. You can embrace natural learning by reading these self-love affirmations.

“I am the apple of my eye, the spark of inspiration I follow” – Ntathu

“Every day I love myself more and more” – Ntathu

“The more I care and value myself, the stronger I grow inside” – Ntathu


Trap #2: Thinking you’re not “allowed” to have what you want.

Most of us encounter limits at some point in our childhood and it can be sometimes unfair. However, as an enabled grown-up, the main genuine lead representative on what you’re “permitted” to make as your fantasy land is simply the arrangement of obstructions you devise. In short, you are limiting yourself only with your perception of borders around you. Who realized you were so incredible? This may be you in the event that you end up in the accompanying circumstances:

Looking at someone who has a great career in area where you lack success. You feel inside “that is great for them but I cant be successful as them”.

You feel like life passive spectator not active participant.

You look into your life as something major is lacking –  job, house, partner etc.

Thinking like this will inevitably become an ongoing disappointment. In some cases, you may seek to create what you believe you can get rather than what you really desire. Now read that again. All that effort is wasted on something you do not even want. You are responsible for your own life and happiness. Try this self love affirmations for feeling better:

* It is safe to imagine the life I truly desire.

* It’s fun to dream of the things I love!

* If I can imagine it, I can create it.

Trap #3: You feel or act as a self imposed victim of circumstances.

This can be overwhelming, mostly because most people don’t want to think of themselves as victims. But truth to be told, sometimes we do. After all, if all this stuff was done “to me,” then it isn’t my fault that things went bad.

Here’s the onion. You empower yourself to create at your own pace by acknowledging yourself as part of a team that brought you where you are today. It’s very possible that you’re on the brink of a whole new approach to life if any of these circumstances sound familiar to you!

You hear yourself saying or thinking “I didn’t have a choice. I was forced into it.

You expend a lot of energy fighting for the right to be who you are, or to be treated in the way you wish to be treated.

When you feel powerless you start making excuses in order to receive help from others. Yet this becomes a vicious cycle, where you keep doing it over and over again. Illnesses, misfortunes, or financial difficulties will be used to convince you that you are a victim. You will start to believe that powerlessness is all about you. Moreover, a poor health condition makes you extraordinarily vulnerable to being taken advantage of. Because of this, you need to get out of the vicious circle.   In order to start off on the path of devoting yourself to your very own innovative wisdom, try some affirmations such as these:

I encompass peace, harmony, and wisdom.

Peace and prosperity surround me.

I am taking every opportunity to strive and prosper

Being yourself does not require fighting. Just be!

What can help me? – Dos for Self Love Affirmations

Make room for more self loving rather than squeezing more and more into your day.


Create your own personal affirmations, write them down and each morning, when you wake up and before getting up from bed, say them softly out loud. As an extra gift for yourself, you can put your affirmations in your diary or write them on your phone and during the day, especially when you are feeling stressed, read them to yourself. Take a deep breath, relax your shoulders and enjoy the moment, take it easy. You will instantly be tuned in to that more loving side of your being.

Practise makes it perfect – Express your gratitude for health and wellbeing

Make it as easy as you can, give yourself time to make it flawlessly and easy to follow through and start over it again until it becomes imprinted into your brain and life.

You can always Meditate on it

When you practice meditation, you will know it is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. On your self-love journey, you will experience different types of meditation and learn many different techniques.

The most important thing is to make it enjoyful and create it as a habit of yours. For example you wake up, say your 3 daily affirmations, put a timer on your phone, make yourself comfortable, begin with relaxing meditation. Make it on your pace as you are what is most important in that moment and finish your session with these self loving affirmations

I accept myself exactly as I am.

I accept myself unconditionally.

I embrace who I am.

I accept love from within.

I am enough.

I am at peace with myself.

I am perfect, just as I am.

I am creating my own cosmos of love.

I am constantly growing, evolving and becoming my best self.


What Can You Do Now?

These gentle self-love affirmations practices can be practiced on a daily basis: daily affirmations, prayer, and guided meditation as steps toward becoming more self-loving and putting your well-being back on your agenda. Please take 15 minutes when you wake up to practice these simple self-care practices over the next five days.

Make an effort to treat yourself well, be kind, be positive and create you own happiness. Start your day feeling refreshed, energized, and best of all loved and nurtured. If you get a chance, I’d like to hear what you think. Thanks for reading and take care.

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