December 30, 2023

You probably noticed a lot of quizzes when you popped the question is my friend fake. Each of those quizzes asks you the questions you already had in your mind when you have suspicions about your friend’s behavior.

Just by thinking of it, we have already sensed that something is off. Not wanting to jump to conclusions immediately, we are questioning and reliving the scene that triggered our suspicions.

By nature humans can spot an enemy rather easily however, we are not so precise when spotting a fake friend, and that is why we aren’t so sure if our friends are fake or not.

We are more ok when we label a close person as an enemy rather than a friend. It filters out and stops any immediate threat that might have come from that person. In the state of everyday survival that our ancestors have to have always in mind, the priority was more enforced to spot actual and potential enemies.

When we instinctively don’t like a new person, or see the potential danger we already decided that we will label them as do not bother, or simply not a friend.

That is ok with new people, however, when is someone who you already know and socialize with before it is difficult to spot any malicious tendencies.

A brief explanation will be that a fake friend is someone who is not serious about their relationship with you nor really cares about you. They will use you for their interest and will not show empathy for yours.

Some Clear Signs to Spot a Fake Friend

You initiate the contact the most – you are always checking them out, calling them and after a while, you noticed that and simply start asking yourself, when will they reach back if I don’t call them? Maybe they are used to this dynamic, but if they want to call you and to see you at all they will reach back to you.

Judging only – They are not giving solutions or advice, but only judge your behavior.

They are not listening to you – When you are talking to them you realize they are just waiting for their turn to say what they wanted in the first place. They don’t communicate they echo only what goes inside their mind.

Lying, and they will refuse to tell you the truth – If you spotted that your friend is lying and not even trying to hide it well is a red flag that immediately strikes your sense of the overall friendship.

They are using you – For just listening, for emotional support, maybe for financial gains. Whatever the reason they are using you in a way that only benefits them in the short run.

You somehow don’t feel secure with them – With a general sense of distrust over time you definitely don’t feel too secure and too comfortable in their surroundings.

Jealous – They are not happy about your success and they are not trustworthy

Convenience – Whatever their motive might be it is currently convenient to be your friend at the time. You can occasionally sense that.

They only look after themselves and talk about themself all the time

They are working behind your back – When distrust is bubbling in more occasions you can find out that they are trying to convince others against you. You might find out too late, but you will find out. When someone is convinced by others, then that someone is not even trying to be friends with you. Just let them go.

They don’t show support – They are not for you when you need companionship.

Somewhat competitive – Whatever you do or achieve they think that they can do better. Not only they are not happy with your success but try to overpower you in every way possible.

These are just some of the most common themes that are occurring when figuring out the fakeness of your friend. Be alert, try to reason with them, and if they refuse just let them go. Don’t bother that much if they don’t want to be friends with you. It’s better to have them as not a friend, than to have a toxic friend.

Toxic friends can really affect your self-esteem, we have written a post about it you can check it out here.

Before you start anything reevaluate, don’t jump to conclusions, but also stay safe.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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