December 30, 2023

When I started to use my affirmations I was concerned that they will not be helpful nor that I will gain any benefits from them. After months of experimenting, and countless hours of analyzing what went wrong I finally find what the problem was.

The main reason why my affirmations didn’t work was simply because they weren’t MINE. What I have for my affirmations simply did not resonate to my being nor with what exactly I wanted to accomplish. It wasn’t enough to download or write a list of generated affirmations, I needed to add my personal touch.

Another reason would be that I was too focused on the passage of time, constantly asking myself when will my affirmations become reality. I have learned that consistency pays off the hard way.

I would recommend that you create your own affirmations and use a set of guidelines for creating them, which would be the most effective approach. Whenever you write down affirmations, it is best to first make a list of all affirmations that you would like to use.


Now you need to experiment with how you would describe the same thing with your own words. It is ok if you are not entirely satisfied with the first result, craft them until you are completely satisfied with the result.

Practice makes perfect in everything, as they say when you are at the beginning of something new. On the other hand, if you are constantly looking back, waiting for results, and not fully embracing the present then the overall process will definitely lag.

Give yourself plenty of time so that you eventually forget to keep track of it, but you still have to take the necessary action. When you trust the process and simply perfect your craft, you will be rewarded with results. 

Why are my Affirmations not helping me, what strategies can I use?

Most of the time when people come across affirmations, they usually just copy what others have written or what was beneficial for others. Which doesn’t include strategies and guidelines on how to create your own affirmations in the first place.


You can use the following guidelines to help you create beneficial and effective affirmations that will work for you. If you need further assistance on this you can always check my other post about it.

Make your affirmations in the present tense. Think of them as they are happening right now. Our minds are quite literal when it comes to tapping into subconsciousness. In order to efficiently do that practice your affirmations in present tense.

The most common mistake people make when it comes to improving themselves is that they are doubting themselves most of the time. This is also an example of using affirmations and results are obvious. So in order to make use of your created affirmations make them positive.

When you look at various examples of affirmations online you can tell that most of them are very short and easy to remember, and that is the point. Use focused keywords to describe what you want to accomplish with your affirmations but bear in mind that you have to make them memorable also.

The crucial step is to make your affirmations reflect you and only you. The reason why I had (and probably you have too) difficulties getting my mind around the chosen affirmations is that they didn’t represent me and my desires. Write them down, add a personal touch to them rinse, and repeat until you are satisfied with what you got.

Taking action is the obvious last step but also fundamental. The best way to approach practicing affirmations is to speak them out loud and preferably in front of the mirror. The reason for that will be that you are focused on the task and you can tap into your inner being more faster and more relaxed.

Eliminating the negative inner dialogue for Better Affirmations

Now we are going to expand on self doubt and negative inner dialog. You can look at it as negative but very efficient affirmations. You are convinced that you are not good enough or that you could be done better something. Once you realized that this thought has every element of efficient affirmations plus you are already convinced in those statements, you will realize that it how much power it has over you.

Words always have power, it really just depends on the level of their power by the one who is letting them into reality, same goes with thoughts. If you are always thinking about negative outcomes, thoughts, that will surely have an impact on your anxiety, stress level, and overall enjoyment in life.

Even greater power is when you have the strength and will to shift those negative thoughts into positive ones.

For starting this shift you have to realize where those thoughts come from. Identify the pain from within you. Observe it not to invoke hurt in you but to observe it as a 3rd party. Just like when somebody else is describing vividly their problem and you came up with a solution to it. So no emotions into this introspective but just observing at this moment. Relax as much as possible like when you are watching a movie in front of you.

When you grasp the whole picture of the situation do not force any solutions or thoughts, just let it be for a moment. The best and the easiest solution will come naturally and effortlessly to you. Do not hold the problem to yourself, once you observed it learn from your mistakes and let it go. Once you have been able to do that you can start having positive thoughts and affirmations to replace that spot. Then you will grow effortlessly.

If you want to read more about shifting your mind to become more powerful, check my other post about it.

Self reflecting will guide you on where you should focus affirmations

Self reflecting will be beneficial for shifting your negative thoughts. The process of it should be an enjoyable and learning experience.

Previously we gave you a brief overview of what you should be doing, now we are going to dive into how you should do it.


Start by being in a totally comfortable position, whenever you going to sit on lay down it is up to you the goal is to relax your body but to be aware and not to fall asleep. Be in silence for a while, focus on your breathing and nothing else. If you have ever done something similar to this like mediation you know that an awful large number of thoughts will come to your mind. Do not be disturbed by them at all just keep on your focus to breathing.

Be relieved in the moment of that silence. Since you need to identify the root cause of the habit or the problem that you are currently having, you will have an idea of where to look for it. Bring it up from your memory but do not reflect on it, actually do not think about it at all just leave it in front of your attention.

When you leave it as such it will start to unfold by itself. You will have the front row seats of the whole thing just like watching the movie. While still not involving your attention to details simply let the whole story unfolds. Keep your body relaxed and your attention on your breath, because you will have the solution in no time.

The goal of the whole process is to have yourself look at your situation as 3rd party. Once you get a clear picture and identify the problem that needs to be addressed, the solution will come easily. The main reason why is that you have all the necessary information and the solution will be the most logical and most efficient one. Be honest with yourself and you will solve any problem that you have.

What is the Essentially Purpose of Affirmations?

Most of us are looking to improve ourselves in the most pain free and efficient ways possible. Affirmations can reap great benefits to someone who implies them correctly. Think of it as a tool of reinforcing the good side of you, and improve your overall well-being.

Affirmations have a great power of creating habits, whether it be good or bad. It can be applied to any objective that you wish to accomplish. You just need to have a clear goal in mind and it can be obtained. Make sure you strive to create good ones, the bad ones are probably already there.

Affirmations can also help you overcome fear, obstacle along your way. They can reassure you that you are a powerful human being and that you will defeat any obstacle, and that you will have the ability to learn and gain more experience thus enjoying life to its fullest.

Essentially affirmations can help you to achieve the best version of yourself. You can create a powerful mindset and beliefs that will guide you on your journey of self discovery. They are primary tools in your toolbox of skills to achieve that greatness. Just keep them sharp as with any skill, perfect them.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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