December 30, 2023

It is possible to grow and maintain a positive self-image by engaging in many self love habits. Whenever possible, I recommend reminding yourself what can hurt your self-esteem and how to overcome it. Most often, we are hit hard when we are unaware of external and internal threats that threaten our self-esteem. I believe it is good to be capable of respecting ourselves enough to rise above our problems and move onward with our lives.

Nevertheless, it is always good to know what kind of habits will protect your self-esteem and nurture your best self. The first step towards becoming accustomed to habits is to practice them until they become easy and integrated into your daily life. You have to try out some habits to first see how you respond to them, then make them your own by experimenting. You will find it easier to implement new habits when you find yourself enjoying them.

Think positively and nurture yourself

In order to think positively about yourself you need to develop skills at thinking positive thoughts generally. We feel how we think. Positivity increases your self-esteem, and self-esteem increases your self-confidence. Being confident in yourself means feeling good about yourself. As a result, you will be able to achieve better self-confidence when you practice positive thinking.

Possibly, listening to your negative self-talk has been conditioned in you for some time. What about finding yourself a new friend who is more supportive and slashing your Inner Critic?  It is important to recognize, let go of, or turn negative thoughts into positive ones as good self-esteem habits.


Be concerned only with things you can influence. The majority of people spend a lot of time worrying about things that they can’t control, such as coming late to work because of a train problem or natural disaster (earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, etc.). You might start to feel helpless and powerless when you worry about such things.

Your self-esteem will not benefit from these feelings. It is necessary to believe that you are in control of your life and that you can shape it to your liking if you want to have a high self-esteem. Thus, you only need to focus on the things that you can control. In the case of an upcoming exam, starting studying more will help you feel more confident about getting a good grade. It is probable that you will take steps to influence things that are within your power to influence. By doing so, you will take control of your life. It’s your life, so you decide where it goes.

 Give compliments – Best Self Love Habits

Complementing others and yourself is a great for building self-love habits. Positive thinking will help you see more positive aspects within yourself and within others. You will feel better about yourself and your self-esteem will increase if you tell yourself your positive qualities. By complimenting others, you make them happy and they are more likely to do the same by congratulating you back. Positive reinforcement from others and being surrounded by loving people improve your self-esteem.

Practice awareness

Bringing awareness to your surroundings is always the first step. When you look in the mirror or compare yourself to others, pay attention to your thoughts. It might be helpful to write them down in a journal at the moment. Make sure you are not thinking in the manner of ‘shoulds’ and ‘musts’.

Appreciate and treat yourself

When you bring appreciation and gratitude to the moment, all the little things you just learned mean even more. Sometimes, you deserve appreciation and approval so congratulate yourself whenever you feel the need. A thought is all it takes – yours.

Ask yourself every once in a while: What do I need right now? Breathe deeply, feel relaxed, close your eyes, feel comfortable in your skin, and ask yourself: What do I need? The answers are easy to find and straight-forward for every question you have. Take a vacation, change the job, go on a break, eat better, sleep more etc.

Don’t Give Your Power Away to Others – Best Self Love Habits

Societies are generally designed around giving your power to others, and that begins at a young age. Parents, teachers, mentors, elders, teach us to surrender our power to them without a question. When we are older we might repeat that behaviour with our close friends, partners and our boss. If you are raised that way you will continue that way. At one point you will find yourself depleted of motivation and zest for life, without a goal or purpose. Once you recognize that you delegate your decision-making and your life choses to others and you are not ok with that, the realization is the first step to taking over control in your life. Create your own life, live it to the fullest by your standards and make sure that you are enjoying it for your own sake.


Saying NO is OK – Best Self Love Habits

There is an old saying that God created himself a beard first and then started creating the world. Make sure that your health and well-being is the top priority for you at all times. Spending time with someone who depletes your energy and time will make you eventually sick emotionally and then physically. You must respect and love yourself in order to be good with others. Saying no when it is necessary cuts those ropes and shackles of your imprisonment. Go with your gut feeling. Your first reaction is most of the time the right reaction for you. Do not feel the need to say yes just for others sake. You are wasting your time energy and your potential.

Stop Taking Things Personally

Anything that you are creating, experiencing, talking about, you are doing it for yourself and your self alone. Same can be said for others. You are in no way responsible for what others do or say. Sometimes we are influenced by things that were not intended, even though they were said to us. This behavior can be prompted by fear, ego, or a lack of self love habits. Let it go. It was not about you. Do not accept that behavior as your own fault.

Stop Being a Perfectionist – Key to Having Great Self Love Habits

Despite the fact that nothing in this world is perfect, there is always room for improvement. By holding yourself to absolute perfection, you’re setting yourself up for failure. You should also never compare yourself to others because everyone is unique and has unique talents and strengths. Consider focusing on your gifts, talents, and accomplishments every single day. There is no failure in having flaws of non-perfection, only learning opportunities. Embrace your strength and weakness and continue on your journey to a better self.

Stop Beating Up on Yourself

Old habits are difficult to change. Once you realize those hazardous habits such as letting yourself down, or beating yourself up, it is time for a change. You are much better than that. Stop with bad influences and create a better version of yourself. Once you catch yourself again of talking down to you, just stop for a moment, breathe, relax, take your time to figure out a better way or better solution for the problem that caused such reaction. You are important, so take better care of yourself.

Don’t Take on Other People’s Stuff

We tend to take on other people’s troubles right and left when we care about others. Everyone is sensitive, empathetic and kind by nature. It’s natural to think that we’re helping them in some way. That is perfectly reasonable and everyone should help others in times of need. If you hold on to their problem, then it becomes your problem too. Do not attach yourself to something that isn’t yours in the first place, especially if it can make you sick. Try to make an effort as best as you can but do not overstep your help beyond any measure. It will put your well being into jeopardy.

Stop Rescuing Others

The hardest and most painful lesson to learn is that you cannot help everybody. You can 100% help yourself for sure, but you can’t do the same for others. Do not dive with them when you try to free them from their demons. You can bring them up, but in the end they will have to find the necessary strength to save themselves. If you continue with them on their path, you only end up taking on more of their stuff. It will be bad in the end for both parties.

Stop Complaining

Imagine this, everybody is against you and you are under the burden of the whole world’s problems. You can not take it anymore and you start to complain to everybody about everything. What type of energy you bring, what type of persons are around you? Complaining about literally everything is a sign that you cannot have the whole world on your shoulders. You will become negative no matter what, and that snowball effect will hit you hard really quickly. Nothing good came from that pool. Try and do your best to prevent yourself from this behavior. You are better than that.


Go with Your Passion Daily

There isn’t much difference between what children love doing and what they do. While we slowly age we get responsibilities of our own, and childhood eventually stops. Most of us are having unfulfilling jobs, making ends meet. What kind of life is that, seriously? Why can you remember some game from your childhood, but not what you did last week at the workplace? You can bring up some tasks that were accomplished, but other than that hardly anything. We stop enjoying ourselves and worrying too much about every single thing. How about you do something about it?

Set yourself up with self love habits by choosing activities that you are looking forward to do every single day. Take for instance some lessons in an activity that you are passionate about. Enjoy every moment in the classroom. Behave and thrill as if you are a child experiencing the world for the first time. Find your passion and stick to it.

If you lack enjoyment you will tear yourself down eventually. Often, it ends in illness, which is a wake-up call for some people. You will have two choices then: stick with the current habits that led to the illness, or make changes to them. Bringing enjoyment into your life can make long term and short term benefits for your whole well being. And what about the job? If you hate it, change it. Change the place where you live, make an effort to find yourself in this world. Any change is always difficult but when it comes to your health, will you choose to be now comfortable but miserable for a lifetime, or start to enjoy your life to the fullest.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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