January 3, 2024

Honoring yourself is the first step when it comes to the development journey of self love for men. You must be brave enough to face your demons. Become capable of success by telling yourself the bare and simple truth. You are not a victim, you are better than that. Choose wisely in order to become the greatest version of yourself. Stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself to your face what troubles you. It can be daunting, but you have to admit to yourself the only truth and that is that you are not taking great care of yourself.

Be aware that there is only one of you in this task. Do not let other people’s perceptions and opinions of you bother you. Take the initiative to make yourself happy by letting go of those negative thoughts. This can be very difficult at first, but remember that any progress has to be accompanied by risk and getting out of your comfort zone. Taking a chance to be happy can be a real possibility if you are willing to do so, else you will be just as you are today.

A man’s self-love consists of caring for himself, taking responsibility for his feelings, and doing what he believes to be right. If we use a same standing in front of the mirror as an example, having great self-esteem involves having positive thoughts about the image in front of you, physically and mentally.


What Self Love is NOT

You probably heard that loving yourself is another way to say narcissism. The truth is different. A narcissist manipulates other people to love them, while self-love is just that – it is self-love.

Other people do not care about your wishes and goals. Insecurities and emptiness are what they are looking for to control you and your emotions. They tend to dominate you without any kind of responsibility or concern for your well being. It is up to you to take care of your own well being. 

As long as you have the courage to make feeling good the most important thing in your life, all the other conditions in your life will naturally fall into place. A key element of self-love is learning to accept that you are constantly evolving as a stronger and more loving being and that where you are is just where you are.

Self love for men  is the desire for the highest good of the self. Know your worth, respect yourself, and treat yourself good.

When a person is truly at peace with themselves, they are not thinking about their beliefs in terms of what is true or false. They are aware of only holding on to those beliefs that are useful and beneficial for themselves. As a result, the beliefs they no longer hold on to are discarded. In order to do that, you must first learn to understand yourself.


Understanding why your life is restricted and admitting to your fears are two ways to overcome your limitations. Life experience teaches us that being helpless is the best way to get attention and love from those around us. Yet is that an effective means of improving oneself? Definitely not. It is necessary to recognize every fear that you have by digging deep within yourself. That is the only way to overcome your fears. Loving yourself means letting go of any fear that you have.

Forgiving oneself is part of loving oneself.

To forgive is much like freeing someone only to find out that you were the one who should have been freed. Many times in life, we carry with us in our consciousness and sub-consciousness wounds caused by things in our lives that do not bring immediate harmony to us. As we live with the pain so long, we don’t realize we are able to remove them. Forgiveness is something that we must do for ourselves, not for anyone else.

You can forgive yourself for making mistakes. They don’t diminish your worth, and forgiveness is stronger than you think; it doesn’t make you weak. Knowing your weaknesses and knowing what to do with them will only make you stronger.

Exercise for your problems

-Consider a problem, a difficult feeling, or a situation (past or present) that you notice you are struggling with or feeling some amount of suffering/discomfort as a result of.

– Notice the problem that is bugging you.

– Think about it for a moment. Make sure you are alone and unbothered, and then take your time. Write down the problem on paper and then mark it how it affects you.

– Be aware of the problem and of your thoughts and feelings about it. If you are making judgments about it return to the previous phase of just reminiscing about it.

– How did you come out of that situation? Relax, take a deep breath and accept that. Stop torturing yourself and stop being a prisoner of that problem. Be still, relax, forgive yourself and move on.

– Do not try to fix that problem it is what it is, and what happened it happened. Do not try to take control of it, just let it be as it is.

A healthy sense of respect for oneself and unconditional acceptance of oneself are essential components of self-love.

 A loving relationship with one’s mind, body, and spirit is self-love.

 Being free to do what we desire and want to is what self-love is about.

Self Love for Men is a Step

*To gain a deeper understanding of our nature and work to achieve our goals.

*The key to loving ourselves is to accept ourselves with all our flaws and qualities.

*There is a subconscious fear of failing and being rejected when we think of accelerating our success if we don’t understand self-love.

*A sense of self-confidence and self-esteem are both essential to setting definite goals in life.

You must look into yourself what is holding you back, and what is the resistance about. When you obtain that information, you can make a decision on where you would like to go next. Look hard and think about yourself for a moment. What do you like about yourself? What are some characteristics that others can say about you?


Make sure you are as honest as possible. Being completely honest will help you. What will happen is that emotions, thoughts and answers will barge through your mind. Be prepared for that rollercoaster and make sure you have your pen and paper next to you.

You must understand that an ideal or perfect image of yourself is not achievable, but you can strive toward that goal. Love what is now about you and expand on that thought. When you get good at something you have to keep getting better, that is the only way to rise.

In all begging, you will feel confusion and discomfort. That is perfectly fine. As some of us are not so transparent, you need to explore your weaknesses. It might take a while, but the results will be well worth it. Let your feelings and thoughts be, don’t fight them.

Final Thoughts

On a very basic and nature level we do know what love is. It is built in us. Whether we like it or not it will be there for us. Love is your birthright. As with any gift that you receive if you reject the gift it will not be yours. Once you are open to the idea of exercising self love for men it will come o you eventually, just be persistent.   

You can be whatever you want. Anything is possible if you put work into it. You can create your life the way you want it to be. At the end of the day once you begin the journey of self improvement you can say, “I love myself”, and truly mean it.

Your journey of self discovery will not begin today nor tomorrow. You are already on your way to it by simply living your life. Making your journey meaningful simply by knowing who you are and where you are going is what it’s all about.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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