January 4, 2024
self love and meditation

Often times our everyday life is getting harder and harder. It is rather easy to get lost in it. The overwhelming size of distractions, anger, and confusion tends to give us a sense of powerlessness. Most people tend to simply carry along those lines of stress, obligations, and day-to-day negative thoughts.

To counter this it is a good idea to simply place your focus inwards. Being focused on you at first hand you will realize how little time you are giving to yourself and your needs, and how much time you are throwing away to the outside world.

Practicing self love and meditation is a good example of where to focus your attention. To stay healthy and have a good grasp on your life you have to give yourself a chance to grow. With self love you can achieve both. Adding mediation into that will give you even better results in the long run. In the end, you will become more comfortable in your own skin, secure, and confident. It will reconnect you with your own self.

Think of it as becoming your own mentor. By letting yourself dive deep within your mind you will be able to know yourself better. You will return to your true self and will love yourself more because of that.

Some studies suggest that being mindful and practicing meditation can elevate stress, and reduce anxiety. You could say that mediation is a great antidote to stress-related symptoms. It will ease your mind and soften your often crude perspective of yourself. Practicing mediation often will give you a new and broader perspective of life. You will become more approachable and open to new experiences and challenges.

Is Meditation a part of Self Love?

The short answer will be yes, and the longer will be yes indeed. Self love is as the name suggests is exercising and focusing your attention and your time on yourself. This includes improvements, self discovery, self acceptance, self improving, and ultimately making your own happiness. Practicing meditation can be found in all of these types of self love practice. If you want to find out about types of self love, click here.

It creates a clear path for your improvement and self discovery. It can connect you to your deep consciousness and pave the way for self accepting and growing. You will have more security and trust in yourself, improving the feeling that you can trust yourself and your instincts. Being content and happy with yourself is the ultimate goal that you can achieve by practicing self love and with it meditation.

By growing and accepting yourself you will be less stressed about comparing yourself to others. You will realize that you are unique and that you are living your life at your own pace. Nobody has your experiences or exactly the same life, so it will be pretty odd to compare something that is not comparable in the first place.

With that, your compassion for others will grow significantly. You will be kind and gentle to yourself and to others as well. You will spread a sense of encouragement to your surroundings. People will amplify your sense of kindness.

Being involved in self love practice also means that by knowing your true self you will have your perspective shifted. Shifting your mindset from your current one can bring you various benefits. From health to better social life, and from better career choices to success. If you want to learn what can help you shift your mindset, click here.

Since we established that meditation is a part of self love exercise, you can start implementing it and reaping its benefits. In the long run you will experience an overall improvement on your body and mind.

How can Meditation Help my Self Love Journey?

There isn’t much physically happening when you meditate. You are sitting or lying alone quietly in your mind. Relax and contemplate your thoughts with no regard to your surroundings. You are deep down in your mind and being at peace.

Meditation can help you overcome negative thinking, prepare for stressful situations, ease your mind from your troubles, etc. By practicing daily you are conditioning yourself into a better mental place. By focusing on yourself and prioritizing your time and exercise for self love you will reap benefits.

meditation statue

When we are in a deeply relaxed state our body and mind are at peace. Your anxiety is not in the first place anymore, and you are putting that relaxed state in front of it. By conditioning yourself and practicing meditation over time the shift will come naturally. Once we finished the meditation the sensation of relaxation and peacefulness is still with us.

Quick overview on how to meditate

Sit or lay down. Make yourself as comfortable as you can. Be aware solely of your breathing at this moment. Don’t let your mind flow or fill you up with thoughts. Just stay in that moment focusing on your deep breathing. Whenever you feel ready scan your whole body. Start from the tip of your feet and go all the way to your head. Be in that state of awareness for a little while.

Now invoke any positive thoughts, feelings, and memories that you can have about yourself. Let it flow and fill your body with a tickling sensation. Rest in that state feeling free, protected, and comfortable. Whenever you feel that you have enough of that sensation slowly stretch your arms and legs, and let your breathing return to normal.

There is no need to rush or force anything while meditating. Just keep practicing, it is not a contest it is a journey. My preference is to practice meditation in the morning for about 5-10 minutes, and then continue the rest self love exercises.

Try meditating a few times. Feel the changes in your mind and body while in that state. It will be a great addition to your self love journey.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day and take care.

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